BLO Car Dryer Returns Policy

If you find a material defect with your BLO Car Dryer, you may return it.

It MUST be in its original packaging, in AS-NEW condition AND within 30 days of invoice for a refund.

All returns and potential exchanges require a Return Authorization Number (RAN), please email us with a copy of your receipt and reason for return. Our email back will provide you instructions where to return the merchandise and how.

Items without a RAN will not be accepted by our warehouse.

Some of our products are offered with free and/or subsidized shipping, please be aware that if you return one of these products, we may deduct the actual outbound shipping costs from your refund. 

If the product is defective we will supply a return shipping label to cover the costs, your product will be fully tested and inspected in the warehouse to confirm this.

If you are returning the product for any other reason you will be responsible for the return shipping charges, again your product will be fully tested and inspected in the warehouse to confirm the condition as-new and it contains all the original packaging and accessories.

For non-defective items, a restocking fee, up to 20% of the original product price may also apply.
